Nurses Feed Their Young Educational Buffet!

What Is The NFTY Educational Buffet?
A complimentary online and on demand offering of 30 contact hours of nursing continuing education in the areas of: Clinical, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Self-Care.
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Who Is Nurses Feed Their Young?
Nurses Feed Their Young is a movement dedicated to transforming nursing culture and work environment. Our mission: Cultivate Nursing Leaders. Innovate Nursing Continuing Education. Develop Nurse Entrepreneurs.
Who Is This For?
Licensed nurses including: APRNS, RNS & LPNs.
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What is different about nursing continuing education provided by Nurses Feed Their Young?
Our nursing continuing education courses are presented by nursing experts who are passionate about what they teach. Amazing educational content presented with passion is transformational for participants. It is also absolutely free to any nurse who would like to participate. We believe in leading with value and introducing ourselves to the world as a value added partner. As an organization we want to be the first to feed nurses and to deliver meaningful resources designed to elevate our profession and pave the way for a brighter future.
Is There A Support Community?
NFTY Community Group within website member area will be available beginning 5/1/2024!
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What Do I Get When I Join?
Access to 30 online and on-demand one contact hour nursing continuing education courses in the topics of clinical, entrepreneurship, leadership, & self-care. These are video recorded courses developed by individual nurse entrepreneurs and organizations dedicated to teaching their passion.
When Does It Start?
Courses will be available beginning 5/1/2024.
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Is It LIVE or Pre-recorded?
These are pre-recorded trainings you can access anytime.
Will I Get Lifetime Access To These Courses?
Access to these courses expires on 4/30/2025. All course content will be removed at that time.
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How Will I Get My CE Certificates?
All courses, program evaluations and certificates will be available for participants through our online learning platform. Nurses Feed Their Young is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Florida State Board of Nursing. Florida Board of Nursing Provider Number: 50-42784.
Is The CE Credit Valid In My State Of Residency?
As an approved continuing education provider in Florida, Nurses Feed Their Young ensures that our educational buffet meets the standards set by the Florida Board of Nursing. It is important to recognize that individual State Boards of Nursing may have specific requirements for continuing education credits. For inquiries regarding the validity of CE credit in your state of licensure, we recommend consulting directly with your Board of Nursing. We are dedicated to supporting your professional growth and are available to assist in any capacity possible.
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