Emotional Intelligence and Its Role in Effective Leadership For Nurse Managers in Long Term Care
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AuthorMichelle Carter, RN, BSN, MSN
Video time60 Minutes
Post TestRequired
CE Credit1.0 contact hour
Course Description
Emotional Intelligence has been defined as the ability to recognize and manage your emotions as well as how your emotions affect those around you. Emotional intelligence is also known as “EQ” and has been found to have a strong correlation with professional success especially with individuals in leadership roles. Research has shown that organizations tend to take on the personality of their leaders. It has also shown statistically significant positive correlations between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership for individuals with high levels of E and statistically significant negative association with low EQ and the laissez-faire leadership style. Higher levels of emotional intelligence tend to promote healthy workplaces which in turn promote a culture of safety and better patient outcomes.
Nurse leaders need to be aware of emotional intelligence and how it can affect their professional and personal lives. Discussions with colleagues, in nursing social media groups and suggestions after previous education classes have indicated a need for continuing education on these topics.