From Posting To Profit: Mastering Social Media For Success

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  • Author
    Teresa Sanderson, RN, CCM
  • Video time
    60 Minutes
  • Post Test
  • CE Credit
    1.0 contact hour

Nurses Feed Their Young is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Florida State Board of Nursing. Florida Board of Nursing Provider Number: 50-42784.

Course Description

This course provides participants with the essential skills needed to harness the full potential of social media for business success. In an ever-evolving digital landscape, understanding attraction marketing and its benefits to business is paramount. Participants will gain a deep comprehension of this strategy, enabling their ideal clients to find them and grow “know, like and trust” before ever connecting in real time. The course will focus on how to identify content types suitable for attraction marketing and conducive to audience growth. Participants will gain insights into the entire client journey, from initial exposure to social media content through to a profitable transaction. By the course's conclusion, participants will be well-prepared to leverage their social media presence as a dynamic tool for client attraction, audience and income growth.

Course Lessons

Teresa Sanderson, RN, CCM

A veteran RN and nursing leader with 3 decades of experience, Teresa Sanderson leads with authenticity and the heart of a servant. She believes nursing leadership is responsible for creating a culture and environment where nurses can succeed and practice with excellence. Teresa is working to transform nursing culture from one where “Nurses eat their young” to one where “Nurses FEED Their Young (NFTY).” A licensed and certified trainer of the B.A.N.K. Methodology, she trains healthcare organizations, nursing leaders and nurses on emotional intelligence, applications of personality science to nursing, and recruitment and retention strategies. Sanderson is an author, speaker, nurse entrepreneur and homesteader. 

She resides on a homestead in rural Northeast Kansas with her husband, livestock and honeybees. Contact her at